5 May, 2004

Day 16

Kiwi and Meringue (the parents) have discovered a candle on the shelf where they like to perch. They go mad trying to eat (or just chew) the wax. Kiwi is starting to spend more and more time out of the nest box. Also Meringue has resumed his advances and Kiwi is suddenly receptive again. I guess they are thinking of starting another new family.

Meringue (the dad) is starting to sing again the way he used to before all of this family stuff began. He sits on a perch on the cage or up on the shelf across the room and "babbles". It's quite beuatiful really.

two baby budgie chicks, 16 days old.  just opening eyes.

two baby budgies chicks, 16 days old, spreading new wings.