26 May, 2004

Day 36

In the last day or two Sherbet has begun to fly more and more confidently. She also lets us handle her and, we think, thinks we are part of her family. A few of her landings were entertaining. She landed on our thin TV antenna and promptly spun around so that she was hanging upside down. She stayed that way for a considerable amount of time. She was probably not sure that she could take off from that position. The few times that she has appeared to be stuck, we have eventually rescued her, but we let her contemplate things for a half hour or so first. Sherbet is also carefully selecting seeds and gravel from the food dishes and chewing on the greens we provide. She is still accepting food from her parents (mostly Meringue -- dad) as well.

Pickle appears at the door of the nest box frequently. He (we think he is a he--his cere looks more transparent and it is not white around the nostrils, he is also more vocal than Sherbet). He still hasn't come out on his though we handle him frequently. There are moments when we hear vigorous flapping in the nest box and debris comes shooting out of the door. Furthermore, he was being held yesterday and managed to lift his body into the air while flapping. He remained attached by pinching a fold of skin (not too painfully) with his beak.

Finally, Kiwi is, we think, going to lay more eggs. We observed her yesterday hauling wood chips and other bits out of the nest box. The mating instinct is still strong between Kiwi and Meringue. We want to take the nest box away soon, but have to wait for Pickle to come out on his own. We can also separate the birds by sex as we have two cages.

